Selamat menghadapi minggu assesment buat smua yang mau tunjuk keja pada LEC2..yang tersayang:)
Buat rakan-rakan dan sahabat sperjuangan buatlah exam ni dengan bersungguh2..^_^
Do the best yey!
Buat diri ni..teruskan usaha ...jangan main2..study2..jangan fb2...ym2 je..hehe..^_^
Inginku tinggalkan beberapa TIPS..untuk mereka2 yang sedang exam skrg dan bakal exam..:-
Tips Untuk Berjaya dlm Study
That the first semester of the freshman year in college is the most critical time in determining a student’s future success in college and Kita yg kena tentukan apa yg TERbaik untuk diri kita!!!!!!!!!!
That most students who become involved in campus organizations and activities have a more meaningful college experience, while still maintaining high grades, making new friend s, and developing time management skills.
.::Disini ada 5 cara nak Berjaya dalam kolej::.
Make a college education your #1 priority. Have fun, get involved, but learn to balance your time.
Expect your college courses and your professors’ expectations to be challenging and therefore be ready to put forth extra effort. Also, be certain to attend every class session.
Allow plenty of time for studies. You’ll likely need 2 to 3 hours of study time for every hour in the classroom.
When a class seems a bit difficult, ask for help immediately and take advantage of the many campus academic support services.
Don’t procrastinate on studies and assignments. Time can slip away before you know it!
.::Tips Pengurusan Masa::.
Belajar untuk Berkata Tidak@ NO!!! - Saying no to partying, movies, etc. does not make you a terrible person.
Jangan belajar lebih dari 3 jam - Your brain will often shut down and any studying you do after that point is unproductive.
Cuba belajar pada waktu Siang - Natural light is more conducive to learning.
Gunakan Kaedah30-3-2 - Study for 30 minutes, take a 3 minute break and let your mind think about other things, then return to your studies by reviewing the previous material for 2 minutes, then move on to new information.
Cuba guna 2 jadual - Create an hour-by-hour weekly schedule. Using your class schedules as a guide. Block out specific times each day for study and all other activities. Create a semester schedule showing midterms, finals, due dates, and other important events. Review both schedules on a weekly basis and allow more study time as needed.
Keutamaan - Every day, list what you need to study, prioritize and set times for each item, and stick to it.
.::Perkara2 yg patut di ketahui::.
Develop a good student/professor relationship. Meet your professors early in the semester.
Take the time to become familiar with the contents of your undergraduate catalog. Don’t just let it collect dust! Open it up and read the information - it can answer many of your questions.
Each test deserves maximum preparation. Read your textbook and review your notes on a consistent basis.
Be aware of important dates and deadlines (first day of class, registration, add/drop, withdrawal, final exams).
Utilize the academic support services provided to you at the school.
Pilih Major yg Sesuai
Research your major and possible career opportunities. Investigate the major by asking questions of other students, professors, parents and friends.
Select a major that stimulates your interest and curiosity. Look at the descriptions of required courses for the major in the catalog.
Be realistic and always have an alternate major plan.
Cara bagaimana nak study
Designate a specific time for studying.
Cramming is not a reliable way to retain information.
Take understandable lecture and textbook notes.
Become a good listener in class and review your notes daily.
Organize your class materials prior to each study session.
Concentrate on the class material and keep in mind course objectives.
Ask for help early if needed (such as your professor or teaching assistants).
Tutoring assistance can provide a positive impact on your academic success.
Form study groups and partners. Keep everyone committed to studying, not small talk.
.::Tips untuk Teman Sebilik::.
Dengar dan Belajar!!!!!
Communication is a must! Listen and learn from each other.
Talk to each other early about problems that may arise. Don’t let problems build up.
Living with someone requires increased sensitivity to the needs of others.
Respect each other’s privacy and personal space.
Agree upon a set period of "quiet time" for study without distractions.
Try dan Buatlah!!!
.::Amal sunat dan wajib::.
1)Solat hajat dibuat setiap hari ..1 pertiga malam..kalau xlarat bangun bt after isyak ke,sebelum tdo ke
2)Bacaan Al quran amalkn tiap2 hari..
3)solat dhuha..antara pekara wajib b4 sy masuk dewan..bt lah
4)Doa..doa spanjang2nya..mohon ampun dari ALLAH dan mnusia yang berjasa pada kita
5) solat taubat ..
DAN Amalan2 sunat y lain :)